We Have Uncovered A
'New Best Business Model'
That Almost Nobody Knows About..
That has the ability to create a profitable business faster than anything else you Have ever experienced
Attention: Employees, Students, Business Owners

What You Will Learn If You
Join The MSB Course 2.0

Tips and mindset before starting
Having the right mindset for success is one of the most important aspects which will be their motivation for success. we will giving you advices, having the right mindset, and also breaking all beliefs that can't help you to succeed.

How Does Multi Servicing Business Works
In this Category, you will know how this works and will be able to earn you a significant amount of pay to supplement your current income. I will try my best to give you all the information to help you start working on this in the comfort of your own home

How To Learn Skills Or Services
Here you will learn how to find in demand services
that clients are willing to pay more than 100k a month.
we will give you list of 20 plus in demand services with
data and analytics and free courses and software to help you to get your first high paying client in less than 15 days
Top 5 Services We Offer
​In this video, when deciding which services to choose, most people go for the most popular fields. But, the most popular fields are not always the ones that pay the most. I will discuss the top 5 services offer that earn higher rates, you might want to explore less crowded fields where demand is high, and competition is less intense.
Ways To Offer Your Service The Best Way
In this video, you will learn how to offer or deliver your great services the best way, we will give you ready to use templates so you can get the client asap. Watch until the end so that you won't miss any important information

Finding Expert Employees
Here you will learn how to find reliable employees and
i will give you the exact scripts that we use to talk to an employee. we will also give a tutorial on how to create job ad with ready to use template like contracts, ads, caption and many more.
Recommended Strategy To Find A Client For Direct Client?
Here you will learn the right and the best recommended strategy that i and my students use to close 6 to 7 figure direct clients. we will give you our formula on creating a proposal email, google drive and pdf and many more
Best Techniques and Strategies To Get More Clients
In this lesson you will learn the best techniques and strategies
that we use to get more clients without doing a single thing. just copy and paste our formula. this pretty much guarantee you will have your 2nd client after you implement this
How To Negotiate With A Client Regarding The Salary
Here in this lesson you will learn what is the right way
to negotiate your salary or your payment on your services,
after thousands of meeting with clients and students
we have now found the most successful way to get your
desired salary or payment, with this private template
The Lessons Above Are Only 9 Lessons Out
Of 150+ Actionable Lessons Inside The MSB Course

Franklin Miano, Entrepreneur and Chairman of 10 Businesses in different fields in the Philippines. A Self Made Entrepreneur and a Successful Millionaire. Franklin is considered as positive, talented, persistent, and a great professional in the business field.. Recognized as an optimized risk taker with calculated best results on the front end.
Coach Franklin will give you the exact strategies, tactics, and methods that he used to design, build, scale and automate his 8 figure Multi Servicing businesses. It took him 7 years and he spent millions of pesos to figure out what works in the world of saturated business.
With this program, you get the tested and proven system that delivers results for coach frank, his students, and the community.​​We are constantly updating the masterclass with the most cutting-edge techniques and strategies you get every update for free.

What Are Others Already Saying About The MSB Course 2.0

As You Can See...
MSB Course 2.0 Has Already Helped
Countless People Around The World...
The Question Is, Are YOU Next?

Franklin Miano is the proud owner of Frank Media, a multiple seven figure a month agency for real estate, businessman, coaches, Ecom brands and large businesses. Frank Media has helped clients around the world. and teach people to do the same
Start Your Own Outsourcing Business From Zero
You already know it’s possible. You’ve seen it happen on my students.
You saw how ordinary people are now living extraordinary lives using that very same strategies which you’re about to discover inside this premium masterclass.
The only question is…
Will you let us help you get there?